Fragmented list

Since v0.9.0, Marpit will parse lists with specific markers as the fragmented list for appearing contents one by one.

For bullet list

CommonMark allows -, +, and * as the character of bullet list marker. Marpit would parse as fragmented list if you are using * as the marker.

# Bullet list

- One
- Two
- Three


# Fragmented list

* One
* Two
* Three

For ordered list

CommonMark’s ordered list marker must have . or ) after digits. Marpit would parse as fragmented list if you are using ) as the following character.

# Ordered list

1. One
2. Two
3. Three


# Fragmented list

1) One
2) Two
3) Three


A structure of rendered HTML from the fragmented list is same as the regular list. It just adds data-marpit-fragment data attribute to list items. They would be numbered from 1 in order of recognized items.

In addition, <section> element of the slide that has fragmented list would be added data-marpit-fragments data attribute. It shows the number of fragmented list items of its slide.

The below HTML is a rendered result of bullet list example.

<section id="1">
  <h1>Bullet list</h1>
<section id="2" data-marpit-fragments="3">
  <h1>Fragmented list</h1>
    <li data-marpit-fragment="1">One</li>
    <li data-marpit-fragment="2">Two</li>
    <li data-marpit-fragment="3">Three</li>

Fragmented list does not change DOM structure and appearances. It relies on a behavior of the integrated app whether actually treats the rendered list as fragments.