Image syntax

Marpit has extended Markdown image syntax ![](image.jpg) to be helpful creating beautiful slides.

Basically the extended features can turn enable by including corresponded keywords to the image’s alternative text.

Resizing image

You can resize image by using width and height keyword options.

![width:200px](image.jpg) <!-- Setting width to 200px -->
![height:30cm](image.jpg) <!-- Setting height to 300px -->
![width:200px height:30cm](image.jpg) <!-- Setting both lengths -->

We also support the shorthand options w and h. Normally it’s useful to use these.

![w:32 h:32](image.jpg) <!-- Setting size to 32x32 px -->

Inline images only allow auto keyword and the length units defined in CSS.

Several units related to the size of the viewport (e.g. vw, vh, vmin, vmax) cannot use to ensure immutable render result.

Image filters

You can apply CSS filters to image through markdown image syntax. Include <filter-name>(:<param>(,<param>...)) to the alternate text of image.

Filters can use in the inline image and the advanced backgrounds.

Markdown w/ arguments
![blur]() ![blur:10px]()
![brightness]() ![brightness:1.5]()
![contrast]() ![contrast:200%]()
![drop-shadow]() ![drop-shadow:0,5px,10px,rgba(0,0,0,.4)]()
![grayscale]() ![grayscale:1]()
![hue-rotate]() ![hue-rotate:180deg]()
![invert]() ![invert:100%]()
![opacity]() ![opacity:.5]()
![saturate]() ![saturate:2.0]()
![sepia]() ![sepia:1.0]()

Marpit will use the default arguments shown in above when you omit arguments.

Naturally multiple filters can apply to a image.

![brightness:.8 sepia:50%](

Slide backgrounds

We provide a background image syntax to specify slide’s background through Markdown. It only have to include bg keyword to the alternate text.


When you defined two or more background images in a slide, Marpit will show the last defined image only. If you want to show multiple images, try the advanced backgrounds by enabling inline SVG slide.

Background size

You can resize the background image by keywords. The keyword value basically follows background-size style.

![bg contain](
Keyword Description Example
cover Scale image to fill the slide. (Default) ![bg cover](image.jpg)
contain Scale image to fit the slide. ![bg contain](image.jpg)
fit Alias to contain, compatible with Deckset. ![bg fit](image.jpg)
auto Not scale image, and use the original size. ![bg auto](image.jpg)
x% Specify the scaling factor by percentage value. ![bg 150%](image.jpg)

You also can continue to use width (w) and height (h) option keywords to specify size by length.

Advanced backgrounds

📐 It will work only in experimental inline SVG slide.

The advanced backgrounds support multiple backgrounds, split backgrounds, and image filters for background.

Multiple backgrounds


Multiple backgrounds

These images will arrange in a horizontal row.

Direction keyword

You may change alignment direction from horizontal to vertical, by using vertical direction keyword.

![bg vertical](

Multiple backgrounds with vertical direction

Split backgrounds

The left or right keyword with bg keyword make a space for the background to the specified side. It has a half of slide size, and the space of a slide content will shrink too.

![bg left](

# Split backgrounds

The space of a slide content will shrink to the right side.

Split backgrounds

Multiple backgrounds will work well in the specified background side.

![bg right](

# Split + Multiple BGs

The space of a slide content will shrink to the left side.

Split + Multiple BGs

This feature is similar to Deckset’s Split Slides.

Marpit uses a last defined keyword in a slide when left and right keyword is mixed in the same slide by using multiple backgrounds.

Split size

Marpit can specify split size for background by percentage like left:33%.

![bg left:33%](

# Split backgrounds with specified size

Split backgrounds with specified size